As we explore, experience and discover, we grow together in 'life in all its fullness' DREAM BIG - AIM HIGH - ACHIEVE MORE

Parent Voice

As parents, you are always welcome to discuss any of your concerns with us by contacting the school office. However, we also like to send out Parent Questionnaires so that we can find out how you feel about different aspects of our school. See the letter below for the outcomes of our 2024 Questionnaire:

Our 2023 Questionnaire outcomes...

Our 2022 Questionnaire outcomes...

Our 2021 Questionnaire outcomes...

After receiving the results, we make every effort to act upon your concerns. For example, in recent years, many parents requested a return to face-to-face Parents Evenings. Therefore, we have offered a blended approach with a choice of meetings to best suit our families and teachers. We also planned and carried out further opportunities for you to find out how your child is doing in school through our Parent Drop-Ins.