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At Ravensthorpe CE (VC) Junior School, we challenge our pupils to become better writers. We are proud of our results: in 2024, 89% of our Y6 pupils achieved the Expected Standard in writing and 23% of these achieved the Greater Depth standard. These figures were above national standards and this year we want to continue challenging each and every one of our pupils, striving for higher standards in all year groups.

How will we do this?

We will continue to plan exciting lessons (which include lots of grammar), covering a wide range of text types such as biographies, instructions, persuasion, letters and storywriting!

We will continue to support and work with other schools to ensure that our standards remain high.

We will teach our children to edit their writing – this means that they will learn to improve their own writing and become more independent.

We will challenge more of our Y6 pupils to achieve the Greater Depth standard.

We will work with the pupils to improve their spelling by teaching spelling rules and exception words which they can practise at home.

We will ensure that more pupils in all year groups are taught to use grammar and writing skills at the Greater Depth standard.

How can you help?

Please encourage your child to complete their homework and to practise their weekly spellings. Listening to your child read will always help them to become better writers as they learn grammatical accuracy and extend their vocabulary.