As we explore, experience and discover, we grow together in 'life in all its fullness' DREAM BIG - AIM HIGH - ACHIEVE MORE


There is a proven link between attendance and academic achievement. Children with good attendance have higher attainment and make better progress than those with poor attendance.

Please help us to do the best for your children by making sure they attend school every day - unless they are ill.

Local councils and schools can use various legal powers if your child is missing school without a good reason. You could receive:

  • a Parenting Order
  • an Education Supervision Order
  • a School Attendance Order
  • a Fine (sometimes known as a ‘Penalty Notice’)
  • Prosecution

We would much prefer to work with you though. If you are having any problems with your child's attendance, please contact school and ask to speak to either Mrs Akhtar, our Attendance Officer, or Mrs Horne, our Safeguarding Support Officer.

Penalty Notices

Parents can be issued with a Fixed Penalty Notice by the school, local authority or police, for their child's non-attendance. The penalty is £60 per parent for each child and this rises to £120 if paid after 21 days but within 28 days of receiving the notice.

There is no right of appeal against a Fixed Penalty Notice. If this is not paid the local authority can proceed to prosecution or withdraw the notice. The local authority can also prosecute parents for non-attendance without issuing a Fixed Penalty Notice.

If you are considering taking your child out of school during term time, you must request this in writing. Following the receipt of your request, you will be invited into school to discuss this with the Headteacher.

Persistent Absentees

Children with attendance below 90% are classed as persistent absentees. We monitor the attendance of all our children. If we are concerned about your child's attendance, you will be invited into school to discuss this with the Attendance and Pupil Support Officer and the Headteacher.


See our Attendance Policy (Our School, School Policies) for more details. 

Click on the following links for more information: