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PE (Physical Education)

At Ravensthorpe Junior School, we promote healthy, active lifestyles through our high-quality PE curriculum. We provide opportunities which promote communication, teamwork and leadership and allow pupils to become physically confident in a broad range of sports; they participate in football, yoga, dance, swimming, orienteering, basketball, netball, athletics and cricket. Pupils are encouraged to engage competitively, both in teams and individually, helping them to build character and embedding values such as fairness and respect. During yoga lesson, our pupils develop strength, resilience and relaxation techniques, important in an increasingly challenging world.  

Our pupils love to attend our extra-curricular sporting activities which include football, tag rugby, hockey, gymnastics and multi-skills. As one pupil has said, 'After-school clubs are fantastic because you can find out what you're good at.'

PE Progression Map

What will my child learn in PE in each year group and how does that develop from their work in KS1?